Definitions about networking including routing and switching vocabulary, telecom terminology and words about email, messaging and mobile.
High-speed networks
Terms related to high-speed communication networks, including network and end-system architecture definitions and words and phrases about high-bandwidth and low-latency communication.
service-level agreement (SLA)
A service-level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and its customers that documents what services the provider will furnish and defines the service standards the provider is obligated to meet. A service-level commitment (SLC) is a broader and more generalized form of an SLA.
millimeter wave (mmWave)
Millimeter wave (mmWave), also known as millimeter band, is a range of electromagnetic frequencies between microwaves and infrared.
Fifth-generation wireless (5G) is the latest iteration of cellular technology.
Network Admin
Terms related to managing computer networks, including definitions about LANS or WANS and words and phrases about network design, troubleshooting, security and backups.
What is IT/OT convergence? Everything you need to know
IT/OT convergence is the integration of information technology (IT) systems with operational technology (OT) systems.
TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and is a suite of communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the internet.
data center services
Data center services provide the supporting components necessary to the proper operation of a data center.
Network hardware
Terms related to network hardware, including definitions about cables or file servers and words and phrases about routers and switches.
local area network (LAN)
A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and peripheral devices that are connected together within a distinct geographic area, such as an office building or campus.
data center services
Data center services provide the supporting components necessary to the proper operation of a data center.
storage security
Storage security is the group of parameters and settings that make storage resources available to authorized users and trusted networks and unavailable to other entities.
Networking and communications
Terms related to networking and communications, including definitions about network protocols and words and phrases about data transmission.
OAuth (Open Authorization)
OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard authorization framework for token-based authorization on the internet.
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is cloud-based team collaboration software that offers core capabilities, including business messaging, calling, video meetings and file sharing.
local area network (LAN)
A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and peripheral devices that are connected together within a distinct geographic area, such as an office building or campus.
Wireless and mobile
Terms related to wireless and mobile technology, including definitions about consumer mobile technology devices and communication technologies such as Wi-Fi, WiMAX and LTE.
augmented reality (AR)
Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time.
mobile device
A mobile device is essentially a portable, handheld computer that enables users to access information, perform tasks and connect with other people and devices.
mobile security (wireless security)
Mobile security, also known as wireless security, refers to the measures taken to protect smartphones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches and other portable computing devices and the networks they connect to, from threats and vulnerabilities associated with wireless computing.